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Monday, August 16, 2010

Note on the Revolution

Three things appear to have precipitated the American Revolution.
The British entrusted the offices in the American colonies to the highest bidder, not to people who actually knew or cared what they were doing.
The mercantilistic system the British created put the Crown-aligned Companies in the driver's seat--a clear violation of the Parliamentary supremacy that 1689 was supposed to have enshrined.
The British hated spending money on the Colonies. They hated the War of Jenkins Ear that Pelham-Holles pushed for when Walpole was Prime Minister. Pelham-Holles later had a rude awakening as to why Walpole felt that way when he had the Seven Years/French and Indian War thrust upon him as Prime Minister. English business may have liked the money they made from the colonies, but they cost the government mightily in military expenditures.

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