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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fifth Column: Moral Pygmies

The Fifth Column: Moral Pygmies
Kellmeyer is right, once again. Contraception is always morally wrong because God is always the author of life, not us. The church is pandering to modern notions about sex only being procreative when man wishes for it to be procreative. It is crazy to expect Catholics to regard contraception as intrinsically immoral so long as professional theologians keep inventing exceptions to the immorality. It is the logic of the secular world that says that, well, you can commit sins, but prudence dictates that you make it safe for yourself to commit such sins. Isn't that the same logic as "safe, legal, and rare" abortion? If anything is safe to do, it isn't likely to be rare. What the Pope might have said is this: "Using condoms to prevent AIDS may be a good idea, but it is still a sin for the same reason that wearing a mask during the commission of a robbery doesn't change the nature of a robbery. And while wearing a mask isn't in itself immoral, contraception in and of itself is immoral."

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